With the rapid growth of wireless technology, Internet of Things (IoT) became very popular in both industrial as well as consumer product domains. While there is a lot of available platforms and technologies for IoT, the access control issue is often overlooked in the IoT security research. An effective access control depends on the proper user authentication mechanism. Thus, access control in this scenario is an emerging and challenging problem in the IoT environment. In this paper, we design an anonymous fine-grained user access control mechanism for IoT architecture. In the proposed scheme, the user authentication is performed by the smart device node based on the user attributes, which enables fine-grained access control over the authorized data. We utilize the widely accepted formal verification tool, called the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA), to formally prove the security of the proposed scheme. Additionally, we also provide a detailed informal security analysis of the scheme. Finally, we perform a simulation study using the broadly used NS3 network simulator to show the practical impact on the proposed scheme on various network parameters.