In decision making settings such as medical diagnosis, investment choices, or sentencing in a court of law, an individual’s background and experience influence their decisions. In the legal domain, multiple factors like personal bias/beliefs, recent events, and the contemporary state of mind could affect decision-making, leading to inconsistencies in judgments between and within jurisdictions. It is widely reported in the literature that anomalies and disparities exist in judicial decisions, such as bail grants and sentence impositions, stemming from implicit bias or
other contextual factors. Notably, in domains like sales and marketing, data cube-based systems are being used to extract interesting trends and
anomalies in subspaces from large multidimensional databases. In this paper, we extend the data cube framework to explore possible anomalies
and disparities in court sentences by conducting experiments on a sample Indian judgment dataset of criminal cases. The results show that the
data cube-based framework could identify anomalies in the legal domain. We hope this work will encourage researchers to investigate a compre-
hensive data cube-based framework to reduce disparities and improve
justice delivery worldwide.