The field of quantum technologies has made rapid strides in recent years, and is poised for significant breakthroughs in the coming years. Practical applications are expected to appear first in sensing and metrology, then in communications and simulations, then as feedback to foundations of quantum theory, and ultimately in computation. The essential features that contribute to these technologies are superposition, entanglement, squeezing and tunneling of quantum states. The theoretical foundation of the field is clear; laws of quantum mechanics are precisely known, and elementary hardware components work as predicted [1, 2]. The challenge is a large scale integration, say of 10 or more components. Quantum systems are highly sensitive to disturbances from the environment; even necessary controls and observations perturb them. The available, and upcoming, quantum devices are noisy, and techniques to bring down the environmental error rate are being intensively pursued. At the same time, it is necessary to come up with error-resilient system designs, as well as techniques that validate and verify the results. This era of noisy intermediate scale quantum systems has been labeled NISQ [