Indian farming community is facing a multitude of problems to maximize cropproductivity. In spite of successful research on new agricultural practices concerning cropcultivation, the majority of farmers is not getting upper-bound yield due to several reasons. Oneof the reasons is that expert/scientific advice regarding crop cultivation is not reaching farmingcommunity in a timely manner. It is true that India possesses a valuable agricultural knowledgeand expertise. However, a wide information gap exists between the research level and practice.Indian farmers need timely expert advice to make them more productive and competitive. In thispaper, we made an effort to present a solution to bridge the information gap by exploitingadvances in Information Technology (IT). We propose a framework of a cost-effectiveagricultural information dissemination system (AgrIDS) to disseminate expert agricultureknowledge to the farming community to improve the crop productivity. Some of the crucialbenefits of AgrIDS are as follows. It is a scalable system which can be incrementally developedand extended to cover all the farmers (crops) of India in a cost effective manner. It enables thefarmer to cultivate a crop with expertise, as that of an agricultural expert, by disseminating bothcrop and location specific expert advice in a personalized and timely manner. With AgrIDS, thelag period between research effort to practice can be reduced significantly. Finally, the proposedsystem assumes a great importance due to the trend of globalization, as it aims to provide expertadvice which is crucial to for the Indian farmer to harvest different kinds of crop varietiesbased on the demand in the world market.