Points, lines, and polygons have been the fundamental primitives in graphics. Graphics hardware is optimized to handle them in a pipeline. Other objects are converted to these primitives before rendering. Programmable GPUs have made it possible to introduce a wide class of computations on each vertex and on each fragment. In this paper, we outline a procedure to accurately draw high-level procedural elements efficiently using the GPU. The CPU and the vertex shader setup the drawing area on screen and pass the required parameters. The pixel shader uses ray-casting to compute the 3D point that projects to it and shades it using a general shading model. We demonstrate the fast rendering of 2D and 3D primitives like circle, conic, triangle, sphere, quadric, box, etc., with a combination of specularity, refraction, and environment mapping. We also show combination of objects, like Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) objects, can be rendered fast on the GPU. We believe customized GPU programs for a new set of high-level primitives – which we call GPU Objects – is a way to exploit the power of GPUs and to provide interactive rendering of scenes otherwise considered too complex.