In the late 19th century, van’t Hoff and Le Bel proposed that carbon prefers a tetrahedral arrangement in its tetracoordinate form. Similarly, the isoelectronic species such as B-, N+, Al-, Si and P+ assume tetrahedral arrangement. However, it has been shown by several research groups that planar arrangement for tetracoordinated carbon centers may be possible for certain molecules that are stabilized by steric constraints and electronic effects. Sastry and coworkers have identified a series of neutral hydrocarbons that are stable in their planar form. We have done high level quantum chemical calculations on skeletally substituted derivative of one of the hydrocarbons (C5H4). Interestingly, the phosphonium ion (C4PH4 +) is found to be a minimum on its potential energy surface consistently by both density functional theory and MP2 methods. A transition state corresponding to the interconversion between the two forms was identified, which indicates rapid transitions. Additionally, the tetrahedral form was found to be the minima for C and B-. The tetrahedral form is the minima for Al- and Si, whereas the planar form was characterized as a transition state that connects two identical tetrahedral forms. Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations indicate that C4H4Si does undergo rapid interconversion between two identical tetrahedral structures through the planar transition state in the femtosecond timescale. However, C4H4P+ and C4H4Al- undergoes irreversible ring opening during the simulations. These molecules/ions were further analyzed using NICS calculations and ring opening reactivities.