n this paper, we present a solution towards building a retrieval system over handwritten document images that i) is recognition-free, ii) allows text-querying, iii) can retrieve at sub-word level, iv) can search for out-of-vocabulary words. Unlike previous approaches that operate at either character or word lev-els, we use character n-gram images (CNG-img) as the retrieval primitive.CNG-img are sequences of character segments, that are represented and matched in the image-space. The word-images are now treated as a bag-of-CNG-img, that can be indexed and matched in the feature space. This allows for recognition-free search (query-by-example), which can retrieve morphologically similar words that have matching sub-words. Further, to enable query-by-keyword, we build an automated scheme to generate labeled exemplars for characters and character n-grams, fromun constrained handwritten documents. We pose this problem as one of weakly-supervised learning, where character/n-gram labeling is obtained automatically from the word labels. There sulting retrieval system can answer queries from an unlimited vocabulary. The approach is demonstrated on the George Wash-ington collection, results show major improvement in retrieval performance as compared to word-recognition and word-spotting methods