Accurate localization by fusing images and GPS signals
Kumar Vishal, Jawahar C V, Visesh Chari
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference workshops, CVPR-W, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Multi-label cross-modal retrieval
Viresh Ranjan, Nikhil Rasiwasia, Jawahar C V
International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV, 2015
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :291
Visual phrases for exemplar face detection
N Vijay Kumar, Anoop Namboodiri, Jawahar C V
International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV, 2015
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :291
Survey of social commerce research
Anuhya Vajapeyajula, Priya Radhakrishnan, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration, MIKE, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
A Comprehensive Retinal Image Dataset for the Assessment of Glaucoma from the Optic Nerve Head Analysis
Jayanthi Sivaswamy, S.r.krishnadas, Arunava Chakravarty, Gopal Datt Joshi, Ujjwal, Syed Tabish Abbas
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
An assistive annotation system for retinal images
Ujjwal, Arunava Chakravarty, Jayanthi Sivaswamy
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :53
PET image reconstruction and denoising on hexagonal lattices
Syed Tabish Abbas, Jayanthi Sivaswamy
International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, 2015
Core Rank : B Google Rank :66
Regenerative Random Forest with Automatic Feature Selection to Detect Mitosis in Histopathological Breast Cancer Images
Angshuman Paul, Anisha Dey, Dipti Prasad Mukherjee, Jayanthi Sivaswamy, Vijaya Tourani
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, 2015
Core Rank : A Google Rank :-
Latent factor model based classification for detecting abnormalities in retinal images
Syed Tabish Abbas, Jayanthi Sivaswamy
Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, ACPR, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Optic Disk and Macula Detection from RetinalImages using Generalized Motion Pattern
Gaurav Mittal, Jayanthi Sivaswamy
National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, NCVPRIPG, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-