In this work, we extensively study the problem of broadcasting of entanglement. In the first part of the work, we reconceptualize the idea of state dependent quantum cloning machine, and in that process we introduce different types of state dependent cloners like static and dynamic state dependent cloners. We derive the conditions under which we can make these cloners independent of the input state. In the broadcasting part, as our resource initial state, we start with general two qubit state and consider specific examples like, non maximally entangled state (NME), Werner like state (WS), and Bell diagonal state (BDS). We apply both state dependent/ state independent cloners, both locally and non-locally, in each of these cases. Incidentally, we find several instances where state dependent cloners outperform state independent cloners in broadcasting. This work gives us a holistic view on the broadcasting of entanglement in various two qubit states, when we have an almost exhaustive sets of cloning machines in our arsenal