Development of Force-based seismic design is historical, and every earthquake has thrown new challenges for already existing assumptions and principles, which helped in the evolution of force-based design. Although many of the assumptions were answered but some remained unaltered and unanswered. Hence, this paved way for developing new theories and philosophies and one such theory is Direct Displacement-Based seismic Design (DDBD). Indian Standard codes, IS 1893 and IS 13920, underwent a major revision in the year 2016, considering the latest developments in Force based design principles. Current work is an attempt to understand the performance comparison between latest IS 1893 & IS 13920 with DDBD method. Initially, three buildings i.e., 3, 6 and 9 storey buildings were designed using DDBD at inter-storey drift of 4% with a performance objective to achieve “No collapse”. The spectrum developed using IS code equations does not represent ideal displacement spectrum shape and hence PGA, T and CA dependent equations are used for DDBD methodology of design. PGA of 0.36g is used in the current study which represents the highest seismic zone in India. Later these buildings were subjected to lateral displacement using displacement-based pushover analysis method. The inelastic strength along with drifts achieved by DDBD are compared with the IS code compliant buildings. From the comparison, it was observed that inelastic strength achieved by 6,9 storey buildings designed according to FBD are greater than the buildings designed according to DDBD at “No Collapse”. For 3 storey structure, the strength achieved by FBD is less than DDBD. If zone is reduced from Zone V to IV or PGA is increased from 0.36g, then inelastic strength achieved by DDBD with performance objective “No Collapse” would be more than FBD requiring revision of response reduction values for different categories of buildings or PGA values in respective seismic zones. The inelastic drifts achieved by both the methods are comparable only for 3 storey structure.