A behaviourally transformative experience via a strong theme, narrative, and gameplay is a powerful learning paradigm when presented coherently. The interplay of these factors facilitates learning and allows for an immersive experience. It enables players to explore their options and deliberate on the outcomes of their decisions. In this paper, we focus on the socially relevant theme of human trafficking. With Unlocked, we present a perspective that has not been addressed by similarly themed games so far. Understanding such an outlook is crucial to connect with the realities of human trafficking. Our game demonstrates the obstacles in real-life escapes and rescue operations while using well-established literature on learning as guiding principles to create an effective transformative experience. It allows the player to identify with victims and understand their mindset and thought processes. We measure our game’s efficacy in educating players about factors like socio-economic and cultural predicaments, and latent conditions that influence these crimes. Such factors are often overlooked and are hard to understand until they are experienced first-hand. Our study attempts to show that transformative games can help recognize the role that these factors play by placing the player in the victim’s position and building a strong narrative around it. We evaluate the learning process by having two phases of survey, pre-test, and post-test. The pre-test survey tests the player’s knowledge about the current state of human trafficking. In the post-test survey, players rate the experience, gameplay, and effectiveness of the game in educating them about the trafficking scenario. The game was tested and validated by social activists who work to rescue trafficked women and children. They acknowledged the potential impact our game could have on raising awareness. Our findings establish that transformative games grounded with a strong narrative and built with a meticulous design guided by principles of transformation and learning prove to be highly effective in propagating social messages on the perils of human trafficking. Index Terms—Transformative play, Game based learning, Serious games, Human Trafficking, Role playing