Skin is one of the very important and largest organs of the human body that helps in regulating the body temperature and is responsible for sensations such as feel, touch, hot and cold. These days, skin problems are very common in day-to-day life. There may be many reasons for skin diseases: unbalanced and impure diet, several types of pollutions, or maybe family heredity. However, if skin disease after a long treatment does not show any sign of improvement or the skin cells grow abnormally, this may lead to skin cancer. There are many forms of skin cancer. For early and timely diagnosis of skin cancer, an efficient technique is required at utmost importance. Many people across the globe lost their lives due to the late diagnosis. Therefore, a technique that is cost-effective, quicker, and easily accessible needs a higher demand. These days for the classification of images, machine learning, and deep learning techniques proved to be the most efficient approach. In this paper, the dataset of several images of a benign and malignant tumor was taken and pre-processed. Once all the images were pre-processed, they are ready to fed in several CNN models. These models extract the features and pass the images to several machine learning classifiers for the classification of moles as benign or malignant. The results verify by using the classification approach it becomes very much easy for the dermatologist to easily detect the lesions and provide the appropriate treatment to the patient to save the life.