In the left-right symmetric models, a heavy charged gauge boson W0 can decay to a lepton and a righthanded neutrino (RHN). If the neutrino masses are generated through the standard type-I seesaw mechanism, the Yukawa couplings controlling two-body decays of the RHN become very small. As a result, the RHN decays to another lepton and a pair of jets via an off-shell W0 . This is the basis of the Keung-Senjanović (KS) process, which was originally proposed as a probe of lepton number violation at the LHC. However, if a different mechanism like the inverse seesaw generates the neutrino masses, a TeV-scale RHN can have large Yukawa couplings and hence dominantly decay to a lepton and a W boson, leading to a kinematically different process from the KS one. We investigate the prospect of this unexplored process as a probe of the inverse seesaw mechanism in the left-right symmetric models at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). Our signal arises from the Drell-Yan production of a W0 and leads to two high-pT same-flavour-opposite-sign leptons and a boosted W-like fatjet in the final state. We find that a sequential W0 with mass up to ∼6 TeV along with a TeV-scale RHN can be discovered at the HL-LHC.