M Phil in Computational Linguistics

About the Program

MPhil (CL) is a two-year research oriented program that prepares students from humanities and social science background to enter the area of CL/NLP. The first year of the programme introduces the student to computational linguistics, and is also aimed at providing the necessary breadth and integrating the students with the instructional philosophy of IIIT. The subsequent semesters aim at providing avenues for specializing in one or more of the streams. All students are given research assistantships in terms of tution fee, hostel fee and the work they put in for various projects.


The aim of the program is to introduce students of humanities and social science background to the area of Computational Linguistics.


The students who do Mphil in CL have the option of going to industry or continue higher studies in the area.

Course Duration

Two years


MA in Linguistics, langauges and other related areas. Sanskrit students or individuals with an aptitude in language analysis are encouraged to apply.

Curriculum (Semester-wise)

Semester I
HS 5090 Computational Linguistics I
HS 5095 Linguistic Data: Collection and Analysis
CS 5002 Computer and Scripting 1
MA 3001 Basic Maths 1

Semester II

HS 5091 CL2: Semantics, Pragmatics & Discourse
HS 5096 Linguistics Data: Collection and Modeling
CS 5003 Computer and Scripting 2
MA 3002 Basic Maths 2

Semester III


Semester IV


Meet our faculty


Admission Procedure
