Research Centers

IIIT Hyderabad is structured around research centers and labs as opposed to schools and departments. Each research center focuses on a broad problem area and brings together experts possibly with varied background to conduct research and development on specific aspects of that problem area, constantly pushing the science to the next level.

The current Research Centers and Laboratories are listed below based on their research focus on technologies and domains. There are also domain centers which make use of technologies in typically unusual domains in innovative ways.


Innovation Hub

IHub-Data is one of the Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) that is established at IIIT Hyderabad as part of the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS). The hub focusses on putting together large-scale datasets as well as develop solutions based on that data through Applied.

Kohli Center on
Intelligent Systems

Kohli Center on Intelligent Systems (KCIS) was established at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT Hyderabad) in 2015 with funding from Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to give a fillip to research, teaching and entrepreneurship in the broad Intelligent Systems area.

Smart City
Research Centre

The Smart City Research Center(SCRC) is setup with support from MEITY (Government of India), Smart City Mission and Government of Telangana at IIITH. The research center includes a Living Lab, that is a setup with support from EBTC and Amsterdam Innovation Arena.

Applied Artificial
Intelligence (AI)
Research Centre(INAI)

INAI is an initiative to apply AI to population scale problems in the Indian context, combining research and translation. This collaborative effort, championed by Intel and catalyzed by the Government of Telangana, is anchored at IIIT Hyderabad and brings multiple relevant institutions together to work on important problems in the society.


Signal Processing and
Research Center (SPCRC)

SPCRC was set up in 2003 with the goal of undertaking fundamental research in signal processing and communication engineering. Research, at theoretical and applied levels, is conducted in this center. Funding sources have included MCIT, DST, GE Global Research, Bangalore etc.

Data Sciences
and Analytics Center

Data Sciences and Analytics Center conducts research, facilitates technology transfer, and builds systems in the broad area of data engineering. The center inculcates the culture of research in students by involving them in activities such as:

Research Center (LTRC)

The LTRC addresses the complex problem of understanding and processing natural languages in both speech and text modes.

Research Center

The IIIT-H Robotics Research Lab works on research problems and innovative projects that extend the state-of-the-art in robotics. The center has worked in multiple domains of robotics involving Multi-robotic systems, Mobile robot navigation and planning, Mechanism design of All Terrain Vehicles and Robot Vision.

Center for Security,
Theory and Algorithms

The goal of the center is to do research in information security, theory and algorithms. It also participates in teaching various programmes of the Institute by offering various mandatory and elective courses in the areas of theoretical computer science and information security.

Software Engineering
Research Center

Software engineering is the engineering of large and complex software systems. It focuses on systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of quality software, and the study of these approaches.

Center for Visual
Information Technology

CVIT focuses on basic and advanced research in image processing, computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning. This center deals with the generation, processing, and understanding of primarily visual data as well as with the techniques and tools required doing so efficiently.

Center for VLSI and
Embedded Systems
Technology (CVEST)

The Center works in close collaboration with organizations such as Xilinx, Altera, Intel Corporation, DRDO etc. The center has three labs under its supervision – VLSI CAD Lab, Embedded Systems Lab-1, Embedded Systems Lab-2.

Systems Group (CSG)

The Computer Systems Group (CSG) was set-up in June 2017. Computer Systems Group undertakes research and development in all fundamental aspects of Computing Systems spanning across hardware and software.

Learning Lab

Machine Learning is a science that enables machines (especially computers) to learn from environments and make own decisions.

Centre for Quantum
Science and Technology

The Centre for Quantum Science and Technology at the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad carries out advanced research on the role of quantum science in computation, information processing, quantum thermodynamics, and on the foundations of physics.

Centre for Computational
Social Science

Centre for Computational Social Science (C2S2) pursues inter-disciplinary research at the intersection of Computer Science and Social Science.


Center for IT
in Building Science

Building Science is a field of study that focuses on the technical performance of buildings, building materials, and building systems. This broad discipline includes elements of construction technology, material science, architecture, meteorology, sustainable building, automation and controls, and heat and mass transport physics. At IIIT Hyderabad, the Center for IT in Building Science (CBS) focuses on effectively using Information Technology (IT) for sustainable buildings.

Cognitive Science

Cognitive Science is an interdisciplinary approach to study mind and behaviour by embracing artificial intelligence, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, and anthropology.

Center for Computational
Natural Sciences and
Bioinformatics (CCNSB)

Ever increasing computational power and recent advances in computer science, in fields of distributed computing, networking and database management, have inspired the center to explore the application of these newer technologies and methods to understand the functioning of complex physical, chemical and biological systems.

Earthquake Engineering
Research Center

Several earthquakes in the last two decades caused enormous loss of life and damage to property. These events are ravaging nations leaving behind countless victims.

Human Sciences
Research Group

The Human Sciences Research Group in IIIT Hyderabad is a unique attempt to bring together the social sciences and computer sciences. We believe that understanding the nature of transformations brought to the fore by digital technologies requires the two disciplines to speak to each other.

Lab for Spatial
Informatics (LSI)

The science that deals with the study of how location in space and time characterize or influence an object, event or phenomena is referred to as Spatial or Geospatial Sciences.

Development Centers

Center for Innovation
and Entrepreneurship

The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) facilitates IP management and entrepreneurship development at the institute.

Values Cell

Today’s technical education, in its widely prevalent form, is not able to adequately empower students to think independently. Consequently, being driven by peer pressure, it is leading to a blind race for jobs that are intellectually and mentally unfulfilling, and wealth that breeds chaos in family and in society.

Raj Reddy Center
for Technology and
Society (RCTS)

The Raj Reddy Center for Technology and Society (RCTS) works towards strong national and global impacts to society through technology-based solutions. It aspires to be a global hub to bring the latest research to solve societal problems. Sustainability and Scalability are the key concerns in all engagements at the Center.