Workshop on Multicore Technologies, July 23-25, 2009

A deeper understanding of parallel programming is necessiated due to the recent advances in multicore architectures. Today, there is need to combine architectural, algorithmic, and programming facets for efficient solutions. To address this requirement, the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad and IBM have teamed up to set up a Hybrid Multicore Center of Excellence at IIIT-H. The center focuses on developing high performance solutions using the Cell BE. The center regularly teaches courses in the high performance computing stream such as Mutlicore Architectures, Parallel Algorithms, Parallel Programming, Concurrent Data Structures, Advanced Comptuer Architecture, and the like. IIIT-H is organizing a workshop on Multicore Technologies to promote an understanting of multicore technologies using the Cell BE. The three day workshop shall feature lectures during the forenoon followed by handson laboratory sessions during the afternoon. Lectures shall be given by faculty at IIIT-H and experts from IBM. The lectures cover topics such as the basics of multicore architectures, the Cell BE architecture and programming model, parallel algorithms and programming principles, and also case studies on Cell BE. Oppurtunities shall be provided to participating institutes to initiate projects on the Cell BE at various levels. The faculty at IIIT-H can help in defining suitable final year projects and course projects at participating institutes. Click here for more details about the workshop and the agenda.