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A team of 8 students – Aditya Kadam (UG3, Anmol Goel (RA), Jivitesh Jain (UG4), Mallika Subramanian (UG4), Manvith Reddy (UG4), Prashant Kodali (Ph.D), Arjun T H (UG3), Jushaan Singh Kalra (UG4, Delhi Technological University) and faculty members Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru and Prof. Manish Shrivastava from Precog IIITH participated in the Hate Speech and Offensive Content Identification in English and Indo-Aryan Languages (HASOC-2021) shared task as a part of the CEUR workshop organized by FIRE 2021 from 13 – 17 December.
Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru and his students received the best student paper award for their research work on What’s Kooking? Characterizing India’s Emerging Social Network, Koo at the 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM-21) held virtually on ZOOM from 8 – 11 November.
Salma Khan, a Ph.D student working under the supervision of Dr. Syed Azeemuddin received the best student paper presentation award at Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS-2021) for her research work on High-Speed CMOS Ramp Generator using Proteretic Comparator held in hybrid mode from 22 – 26 November from Malaysia.
Research work on A BIM Based Approach of Electrical Network Analysis and Applications Using GIS Tools by Prof. K S Rajan, Dr. Nagaraja Ravoori Tejaswini Venkumahanti, Kesava Rao Pyla and Sinha S K was given Best Paper Award at 2nd International virtual conference on Sustainable Construction Technologies and Advancements in Civil Engineering (ScTACE 2021), Bhimavaram from 14 – 16 October.
IIIT team tesla_protocol ranked 46 at the ACM-ICPC competition for 2020. tesla_protocol, made up of Sai Anurudh Peduri, Arjun Pitchanathan and Devansh Gautam was ahead of teams from Stanford, Virginia Tech, Purdue, etc. After a years delay due to Covid-19 pandemic, the ACM-ICPC- 2020 competition officially concluded on 6 October at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. More than 50,000 students, from more than 3000 universities from 111 countries participated in local and regional events.
IHub-Data fellowships were awarded to research students who can contribute to the mission of the center through their research objectives and projects – for details visit:
Prof. C V Jawahar and his students Sanjana Gunna and Rohit Saluja were awarded the Best Paper Award for their paper on Transfer Learning for Scene Text Recognition in Indian Languages at the ICDAR 2021 workshop on camera-based document analysis and recognition (CBDAR 2021, 9th edition) in Lausanne, Switzerland from 5 – 10 September.
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