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Dr. Supriya Mohanty, Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC), Dr. Vinod Palakkad, Dr. Prasad Krishnan, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC) and Dr. Rahul Shrestha have received the Early Career Research Award from the Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology.
G. Drushti Apoorva and Prof. Radhika Mamidi, Natural Language Processing – Machine Translation (NLP-MT) won the best student paper award for their paper – BolLy: Annotation of Sentiment Polarity in Bollywood Lyrics Dataset at the 15th International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING), in Myanmar during 16 – 18 August.
Charudatt Pachorkar, Meher Chaitanya, Dr. Kishore Kothapalli,Center for Security, Theory & Algorithmic Research (CSTAR)and Debajyoti Bera won Best Paper Award for their paperEfficient Parallel Ear Decomposition of Graphs with Application to Betweenness-Centralityat the 23rd Annual International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), 2016.
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