Dr. P Pravin K V Rao has been selected for ISET D K Paul Research Award for best Ph.D thesis in Earthquake Risk Reduction in India for the year 2022. The award is given once in 4 years to only one person with an international reputation and excellent standing in the area of expertise. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 60,000 and a citation.
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Prof B. Yegnanarayana, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC)
– elected as ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Fellow for his outstanding contributions to research and education in processing of speech.
– awarded The Syed Hussain Zaheer Medal (2014) by the Indian National Science Academy.
R. Pradeep Kumar was a member of Expert Committees constituted to study the impact of HudHud Cyclone on infrastructure facilities in Visakhapatnam and the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal. He also visited Sydney, Australia as part of Indian delegation for attending ISO Plenary Meeting on Cement & Concrete Structures.
Chandan Pradhan (Master of Science student) under the supervision of Dr. G. Rama Murthy, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC), was awarded Best Paper Award for their paper Full-Duplex Transceiver for Future Cellular Network: A Smart Antenna Approach” at International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS 2015).
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