Dr. Ashok Kumar is among this elite group recognized for the exceptional research influence, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science™.
Dr. Vineet Gandhi was adjudged as an outstanding reviewer at the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2022) held at Baltimore, Maryland from 17 – 23 July.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Das has been included in the list of Web of Science (Clarivate™) Highly Cited Researcher 2022 in recognition for his exceptional research performance demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% for field and year.
Dr. Pawan Kumar was awarded the Qualcomm Faculty award-2022 in March.
Prof. Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla is the new Director of Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) at Roorkee.
Dr. Siddhartha Das was a member of the program committee for the conference, Beyond IID in Information Theory 10 (BIID’10), held online from 26 – 30 September.
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Prof. Rajeev Sangal, Language Technologies Research Center (LTRC) became a Fellow of the Computer Society of India.
Dr. Suril Shah received the prestigious Inspire Faculty Award from the Department of Science and Technology.
Sanchari Sircar (PhD student), Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) were awarded the Best Poster and Oral Presentation Award for their paper Gene Co-expression Network Analysis of Oryza sativa under Abiotic Stressat Symposium on Accelerating Biology.
Dr. U. Deva Priyakumar, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) was selected as a Young Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences.
Siladitya (PhD student) and Sandhya (PhD student), Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) were awarded Best Poster Award at Theoretical Chemistry Symposium (TCS 2014).
Dr. Shubhajit Roy Chowdhury received the Young Engineer Award from Institution of Engineers India.
IIIT-H team lead by Master of Science student Avinash Siravuru, Robotics Research Center (RRC) came within top twenty in the Simulating Reality Contest Winner conducted worldwide on the theme Modular robot design and analysis for the uneven terrain exploration.
Sumit Kumar (Master of Science student), Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC) was awarded Special Jury Mention for his idea Smart Spectrum at Devthon Metropolis.
Broto Chakrabarty (PhD student), Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) was awarded Best Oral Presentation Award at International Conference on Genome Informatics.
AdityaDeshpande won the Best GPU Paper Award at the HiPC conference in December 2013.