Dr. P Pravin K V Rao has been selected for ISET D K Paul Research Award for best Ph.D thesis in Earthquake Risk Reduction in India for the year 2022. The award is given once in 4 years to only one person with an international reputation and excellent standing in the area of expertise. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 60,000 and a citation.
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IIIT-H finished Top 18 at the World Finals of the 36th Annual ACM ICPC 2012, Warsaw, Poland (14 – 18 May). Best performance by an Indian team in ICPC history. Only college from India to qualify for the World Finals for the fourth time in a row. ACM ICPC is the world’s oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest, and the 2012 edition drew for its first stage over 30,000 participants on more than 7,000 teams, representing around 2,200 universities, in over 85 countries, on six continents.
K. Sai Deepak, in the first semester of his PhD program, Center for Visual Information Technologies (CVIT), was selected for 2012 Google PhD Fellowship. He was one of the four to be awarded the fellowship in India. Sai Deepak did Master of Science in Medical Image Analysis at CVIT, under the guidance of Prof. Jayanti Sivaswamy, in 2012.
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