Day 1: Education (20 June 2024)
Day 2: Human Being (21 June 2024)
Day 3: Relationships (22 June 2024)
Day 4: Relationships & Society (23 June 2024)
Day 5: Nature; Conclusions (24 June 2024)
L&I → Lecture and Interaction
GD → Group Discussion (in smaller groups of around 10-15 people)
Prtcp → Led by participants (presenting/summarizing)
Acty → Activity
Brk → Break out session (in smaller groups)
29 June 2024
Day 1: Education (20 June 2024)
Documentary films: School Chale Hum, Do Flowers Fly
Education system
Incoming child: Human maulikataa
Outgoing youth: Swayatt manav
Role of teacher - Bond with student, most important
Objectives of TTW
Listening (Shravan) Why? (Sunana kyon?)
Method of TTW (proposal, examine/experiment, verify)
Holistic education
Group discussion in smaller breakout groups
Reassemble together, each group presents key insights to all
Historical development of human kind
- faith, fear, temptation (aasthaa, bhaya, pralobhan)
Why understanding is important now
Meditation (Conducted by Prof Suresh Purini)
Open discussions
Day 2: Human Being (21 June 2024)
Summary of the previous day (by 2 to 3 participants from each group)
Natural process of education - anukaran, anusaran, agyaapaalan, anushashan, swa-anushashan
Role of discipline
Method of TTW (proposal, examine/experiment, verify) - sahaj sviikriti
At the four levels
zinda rahana vs jeena
manav vishaya: aahaar, nidra, bhaya, maithun
Edu today limited to change from: SVDD to SSDD;
Human being wants SSSS
Manav chaahanaa: sukha, samriddhi
Suvidha, samajh, sambandh (shown with boxes)
- Major problem is not untruth but “apurnataa ko pura maananaa"
Group discussion in smaller breakout groups
Reassemble together, each group presents key insights to all
Self and body (show table)
Cross-wiring of desires - Unsatisfiable. Guaranteed unhappiness and pressure
Activity: Ask people to make a list of their desires
Classify these into: for body, for self, or for both
- Most desires are for self
- Cross-wiring
No do’s or dont’s in the workshop. These are the natural laws - understand them and live with happiness
Meditation (Conducted by Prof Suresh Purini)
Film The Story of Stuff. Screening followed by discussion.
Day 3: Relationships (22 June 2024)
Summary of the previous day (by 2 to 3 participants from each group)
Relationships in family
Caring for Others
Cooperate not compete
Group discussion in smaller breakout groups
Reassemble together, each group presents key insights to all
Violence in speech - within family - Objectives might be right, but method wrong
Accepting the person, but not his/her wrong deeds - galti ko rokana - sahi karane ki yogyata kaa vikas - Hate the sin, not the sinner
Not doubting the intention of the other
Reduction in anger/irritation - Reduction in FIR - Frequency, Intensity, Rebound
Samajh se bhaav, bhaav se vyavahaar, mulyankan se sukh
... Many other topics
04:30 pm onwards
(Outing - Golconda Fort, Light-n-Sound Show)
Day 4: Relationships & Society (23 June 2024)
Summary of the previous day (by 2 to 3 participants from each group)
Feelings - Respect
Taking social responsibility
Freedom of action
Non-violent communication (NVC)
Group discussion in smaller breakout groups
Reassemble together, each group presents key insights to all
Society & community
5 Aspects of society
Meditation (Conducted by Prof Suresh Purini)
Activities of the self
Film Heware Bazar. Screening followed by discussion.
Day 5: Nature; Conclusions (24 June 2024)
Summary of the previous day (by 2 to 3 participants from each group)
Four orders
Nature, Environment
Way forward
Natural living
Avoiding waste - reduce, reuse, recycle,
Understanding gained. What I plan to do at all four levels (in writing - 15-20 minutes)
Conclusions - Two things I will implement in my life with priority (orally)
Short film: Khat
01:30 pm onwards
(Outing - Hyderabad tour and visit)
Breaks:: Tea 10:30-11 am; Lunch 12:30-1:30 pm; Tea 2:45-3:15 pm; Dinner:: 7:30-9:30 pm
On the first day, registration will be from 9 to 9:30 am. On the final fifth day, the workshop will end by lunch.
General Instructions:
This is an integrated workshop in which each session is intimately tied to the next. Missing even a single session will create a problem in understanding the workshop.
The workshop willl run in a dialogue mode rather that in a (one-sided) lecture mode. Depending on the discussions held and the need of the group, there can be deviations from the above program schedule.
Everyday there are five sessions: three sessions to cover new material (through dialogue mode), one session for group discusssions, and another session for activities.