Fresh look at the LHC limits on scalar leptoquarks
Arvind Bhaskar, Arijit Das, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, Rachit Sharma
Physical Review D, PRD, 2024
Core Rank : - Google Rank :169
Unsupervised and lightly supervised learning in particle physics
Jai Bardhan, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, Cyrin Neeraj, Monalisa Patra
Technical Report, arXiv, 2024
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Right-handed neutrino pair production via second-generation leptoquarks
Arvind Bhaskar, Yash Chaurasia, Kuldeep Deka, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, Ananya Mukherjee
Physics Letters B, PLB, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :103
Production of singlet dominated scalar (s) at the LHC
Subhadip Bisal, Debottam Das, Swapan Majhi, Subhadip Mitra
Physics Letters B, PLB, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :103
Machine learning-enhanced search for a vectorlike-singlet B quark decaying to a singlet scalar or pseudoscalar
Jai Bardhan, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, Cyrin Neeraj
Physical Review D, PRD, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :169
Emergent non-Markovianity and dynamical quantification of the quantum switch
Vishal Anand, Ananda G. Maity, Subhadip Mitra, Samyadeb Bhattacharya
Technical Report, arXiv, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Pinning down the leptophobic Z′in leptonic final states with Deep Learning
Tanumoy Mandal, Aniket Masaye, Subhadip Mitra, Cyrin Neeraj, Naveen Reule, Kalp Shah
Technical Report, arXiv, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Pinning down the leptophobic Z′ in leptonic final states with Deep Learning
Tanumoy Mandal, Aniket Masaye, Subhadip Mitra, Cyrin Neeraj, Naveen Reule, Shah Kalp Jayesh
Physics Letters B, PLB, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :103
A fresh look at the LHC limits on scalar leptoquarks
Arvind Bhaskar, Arijit Das, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, Rachit Sharma
Technical Report, arXiv, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Search for the Z'boson decaying to a right-handed neutrino pair in leptophobic U(1) models
Mathew Thomas Arun, Arpan Chatterjee, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, Ananya Mukherjee, Krishna Nivedita
Physical Review D, PRD, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :169