Counter-intuitive to classical notions, quantum conditional entropy can be negative, playing a pivotal role in information-processing tasks. This article delves deeply into quantum channels, em- phasizing negative conditional entropy breaking channels (NCEB) and introducing negative condi- tional entropy annihilating channels (NCEA). We characterize these channels from both topological and information-theoretic perspectives, examining their properties when combined serially and in parallel. Our exploration extends to complimentary channels associated with NCEB, leading to the introduction of information-leaking channels. Utilizing the parameters of the standard depolarizing channel, we provide tangible examples and further characterization. We demonstrate the relation- ship of NCEB and NCEA with newly introduced channels like coherent information breaking (CIB) and mutual information breaking (MIB), along with standard channels like zero capacity channels. Preservation of quantum resources is an integral constituent of quantum information theory. Rec- ognizing this, we lay prescriptions to detect channels that do not break the negativity of conditional entropy, ensuring the conservation of this quantum resource