PastPaths: Mapping Historical Trade from Text
Hitesh Goel, Easwar Balaramkrishnan, Aniket Alam
Turkey Computational Social Science Conference, TCSS, 2024
7 - Commodity Journeys and Market Circuits: Making Borders ‘Natural’ in Colonial Western Himalayas
Aniket Alam
South Asian Borderlands, SABL, 2022
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Sporting Graphs : The Play Between Knowledge and Graphs
Gurram Sravya, Aniket Alam
Graphs and Networks in the Humanitie, GNH, 2022
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Evolution of Political Ideology in India: Through Election Manifestos
Aquib Jamale, Aniket Alam
Annual Midwest Political Science Conference, MPSA, 2022
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What Do Preambles Do? A Study of Constitutional Intent and Reality
Neha Ummareddy, Aniket Alam
Studies in Indian Politics, SIP, 2021
Core Rank : - Google Rank :12
ESO-5W1H Framework: Ontological model for SITL paradigm.
Shubham R Rathi, Aniket Alam
international workshop on Augmenting Intelligence with Humans­-in-­the-­Loop, HUML, 2018
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Clueless Nationalists: The Indian Left in the Era of Globalisation
Aniket Alam
Research Journal of Social Sciences, RJSS, 2017
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Clickbaits: Curious Hypertexts for news narratives in the digital medium
V S Lasya Vibhavari, Aniket Alam
ACM Hypertext , HT, 2017
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