User profiling based deep neural network for temporal news recommendation
Vaibhav Kumar, Dhruv Khattar, Shashank Gupta, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDM-W, 2017
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Hybrid memnet for extractive summarization
Abhishek Kumar Singh, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM, 2017
Core Rank : A Google Rank :91
SSAS: semantic similarity for abstractive summarization
Raghu Ram Vadapalli, Litton J Kurisinkel, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, IJCNLP, 2017
Core Rank : B Google Rank :32
Abstractive Multi-document Summarization by Partial Tree Extraction, Recombination and Linearization
Litton J Kurisinkel, Yue Zhang, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, IJCNLP, 2017
Core Rank : B Google Rank :32
Deep Neural Architecture for News Recommendation.
Vaibhav Kumar, Dhruv Khattar, Shashank Gupta, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEFS, 2017
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Medical persona classification in social media
Nikhil Pattisapu, Manish Gupta, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
IEEE International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM, 2017
Core Rank : B Google Rank :-
Simultaneous Inference of User Representations and Trust
Shashank Gupta, Parikh Pulkit Trushant Kumar, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
IEEE International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM, 2017
Core Rank : B Google Rank :-
Interpretation of semantic tweet representations
Ganesh J, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
IEEE International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM, 2017
Core Rank : B Google Rank :-
Scientific article recommendation by using distributed representations of text and graph
Shashank Gupta, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Conference on World wide web, WWW, 2017
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :112
Deep learning for hate speech detection in tweets
Pinkesh Badjatiya, Shashank Gupta, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Conference on World wide web, WWW, 2017
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :112