Associative Classification leverages Association Rule Min-ing (ARM) to train Rule-based classifiers. The classifiers are built on high quality Association Rules mined from the given dataset. Associative Classifiers are very accurate be-cause Association Rules encapsulate all the dominant and statistically significant relationships between items in the dataset. They are also very robust as noise in the form of insignificant and low-frequency itemsets are eliminated dur-ing the mining and training stages. Moreover, the rules are easy-to-comprehend, thus making the classifier transparent.Conventional Associative Classification and Association Rule Mining (ARM) algorithms are inherently designed to work only with binary attributes, and expect any quantita-tive attributes to be converted to binary ones using ranges,like “Age = [25, 60]”. In order to mitigate this constraint,Fuzzy logic is used to convert quantitative attributes to fuzzy binary attributes, like “Age = Middle-aged”, so as to elimi-nate any loss of information arising due to sharp partition-ing, especially at partition boundaries, and then generate Fuzzy Association Rules using an appropriate Fuzzy ARM algorithm. These Fuzzy Association Rules can then be used to train a Fuzzy Associative Classifier. In this paper, we also show how Fuzzy Associative Classifiers so built can be used in a wide variety of domains and datasets, like transactional datasets and image datasets.