Boosting vector leptoquark searches with boosted tops
Arvind Bhaskar, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra
Physical Review D, PRD, 2020
Core Rank : - Google Rank :169
Enhancement of Higgs Production Through Leptoquarks at the LHC
Arvind Bhaskar, Debottam Das, Bibhabasu De, Subhadip Mitra
Technical Report, arXiv, 2020
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Addressing the RD(*) anomalies with an S1 leptoquark from SO(10) grand unification
Subhadip Mitra, Tanumoy Mandal, Ufuk Aydemir
Physical Review D, PRD, 2020
Core Rank : - Google Rank :169
Enhancing scalar productions with leptoquarks at the LHC
Arvind Bhaskar, Debottam Das, Bibhabasu De, Subhadip Mitra
Physical Review D, PRD, 2020
Core Rank : - Google Rank :169
LHC Bounds on RD(∗) Motivated Leptoquark Models
Cyrin Neeraj, Arvind Bhaskar, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, Swapnil Raz
DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium, HEPS, 2020
Core Rank : - Google Rank :6
Search for an exotic decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of light pseudoscalars in the final state with two muons and two b quarks in pp collisions at 13 TeV
Subhadip Mitra
Physics Letters B, PLB, 2019
Core Rank : - Google Rank :103
Hunting for scalar leptoquarks with boosted tops and light leptons
Kushagra Chandak, Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra
Physical Review D, PRD, 2019
Core Rank : - Google Rank :169
RD(*) motivated S1 leptoquark scenarios: Impact of interference on the exclusion limits from LHC data
Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, Swapnil Raz
Physical Review D, PRD, 2019
Core Rank : - Google Rank :169
The top threshold effect in the γ γ production at the LHC
Shashikant R. Dugad, Pankaj Jain, Subhadip Mitra, Prasenjit Sanyal, Ravindra K. Verma
The European Physical Journal C, EPJC, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :117
Probing compositeness with the CMS eejj & eej data
Tanumoy Mandal, Subhadip Mitra, Satyajit Seth
Physics Letters B, PLB, 2016
Core Rank : - Google Rank :103