A simultaneous adaptation law for a class of nonlinearly parametrized switched systems
Spandan Roy, Simone Baldi
IEEE Control Systems Letters, CSL, 2019
Core Rank : - Google Rank :44
A new continuous-time stability perspective of time-delay control: Introducing a state-dependent upper bound structure
Spandan Roy, Jinoh Lee, Simone Baldi
IEEE Control Systems Letters, CSL, 2019
Core Rank : - Google Rank :44
Observer-based robust control for dynamic positioning of large-scale heavy lift vessels
Jun Ye, Spandan Roy, Milinko Godjevac, Simone Baldi
IFAC-PapersOnLine, IFAC-POL, 2019
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A new design methodology of adaptive sliding mode control for a class of nonlinear systems with state dependent uncertainty bound
Spandan Roy, Sayan Basu Roy, Indra Narayan Kar
International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, VSS, 2018
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Analysis and Design of a Wide-Area Damping Controller for Inter-Area Oscillation With Artificially Induced Time Delay
Spandan Roy, Abhilash Patel, Indra Narayan Kar
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, TSG, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :140
Adaptive discrete-time higher order sliding mode
Nalin Kumar Sharma, Spandan Roy, S. Janardhanan, Indra Narayan Kar
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, TCSY, 2018
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