Examining chlorophyll-a concentrations in tropical reservoirs under various land use changes using Sentinel – 2 and Google Earth engine – Bhadra and Tungabhadra, India
Avantika Latwal, Tarun Kondraju, Rehana Shaik, Krishnan Sundara Rajan
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, JCH, 2024
Google Rank :112
Variations of Compound Warm, Dry, Wet and Cold Climate Extremes in India During 1951–2014
Rehana Shaik, Nannaka Venkata Sathya Vivek, Mummidivarapu Satish Kumar
Science of the Total Environment, STE, 2024
Google Rank :353
Relationship Between Timberline Elevation and Climate in Sikkim Himalaya
Avantika Latwal, Priyanka Sah, Subrat Sharma, Rehana Shaik
Ecology of Himalayan Treeline Ecotone, EHTE, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Study on effective utilization of coal ash in the conservation of natural resources and reduction of CO2 emissions
Meegada V Ravi Kishore Reddy, Supriya Mohanty, Rehana Shaik
innovative Infrastructure Solutions, IISO, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :34
Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change on Indian Riverine Thermal Regimes Using Hybrid Deep Learning Methods
Rehana Shaik, Rajesh Maddu
Water Resources Research, WRR, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :87
Timberline and Climate in the Indian Western Himalayan Region: Changes and Impact on Timberline Elevations
Priyanka Sah, Subrat Sharma, Avantika Latwal, Rehana Shaik
Climate Change and Urban Environment Sustainability, CCUES, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Development of a new agro-meteorological drought index (SPAEI-Agro) in a data-scarce region
Pallavi Kumari, Rehana Shaik, Shailesh Kumar Singh, M. Inayathulla
Hydrological Sciences Journal, HSJ, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :45
Hydrological Drought Impacts on River Water Quality of Peninsular River System, Tunga-Bhadra River, India
Rajesh Maddu, G.krishna Mohan, Rehana Shaik
Integrated Drought Management, IDM, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
IoT and ML-based Water Flow Estimation using Pressure Sensor
Maulesh Tejas Gandhi, Ajai Mathew, Sachin Chaudhari, Rehana Shaik, Anuradha Vattem
India Council International Conference, INDICON, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Mapping and assessment of river water quality under varying hydro-climatic and pollution scenarios by integrating QUAL2K, GEFC, and GIS
Mummidivarapu Satish Kumar, Rehana Shaik, Y.r. Satyaji Rao
Environmental Research, EnvR, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :133