Tsunami and tropical island ecosystems: a meta-analysis of studies in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Ramachandra Prasad Pillutla, P Mamtha Lakshmi, Rajan Krishnan Sundara, Vijaya Bhole , C. B. S. Dutt
Biodiversity and Conservation, BC, 2012
Core Rank : - Google Rank :49
Ecological analysis of Dipterocarpaceae of North Andaman Forest, India.
Ramachandra Prasad Pillutla
Journal of plant development, JPD, 2011
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Tsunami and tropical island ecosystems: a meta-analysis of studies in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Ramachandra Prasad Pillutla, P. M. Lakshmi , Rajan Krishnan Sundara, Vijaya Bhole, Dutt C. B. S.
Biodiversity and Conservation, BC, 2011
Core Rank : - Google Rank :49
A conceptual framework to analyse the land-use/ land-cover changes and its impact on phytodiversity: a case study of North Andaman Islands, India
Ramachandra Prasad Pillutla, Rajan Krishnan Sundara, C. B. S. Dutt, Roy P. S..
Biodiversity and Conservation, BC, 2010
Core Rank : - Google Rank :49
Ramachandra Prasad Pillutla, Rajan Krishnan Sundara, Vijaya Bhole , C.b.s. Dutt
Journal of Spatial Science, JSSc, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :19
Assessment of tsunami and anthropogenic impacts on the forest of the North Andaman Islands, India
Ramachandra Prasad Pillutla, Sudhakar Reddy.c, Rajan Krishnan Sundara, K.s., Raza, Dutt, C.b.s
International Journal of Remote Sensing, IJRS, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :60
Assessing forest canopy closure in a geospatial medium to address management concerns for tropical islands—Southeast Asia
Ramachandra Prasad Pillutla, Nidhi Nagabhatla, C. S. Reddy, Stutee Gupta, Rajan Krishnan Sundara, S. H. Raza, C.b.s .dutt
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, EMA, 2008
Core Rank : - Google Rank :70