Emerging Challenges in Agriculture-Deficiencies in Extension-Scope for Alternative Technologiesn
Venkateshwarlu Bavandala, Krishna Reddy Polepalli, A. Sudarshan Reddy
Conference of the Andhra Pradesh Economic Association, APEC, 2009
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BoostWeight: An Approach to Boost the Term Weights in a Document Vector by Exploiting Open Web Directory.
Gaurav Ruhela, Krishna Reddy Polepalli
International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering, IKE, 2009
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An Improved Multiple Minimum Support Based Approach to Mine Rare Association Rules
R Uday Kiran, Krishna Reddy Polepalli
Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, CIDM, 2009
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An Improved Frequent Pattern-growth Approach to Discover Rare Association Rules.
R Uday Kiran, Krishna Reddy Polepalli
International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, KDIR, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :12
Exploiting Semantics and Speculation for Improving the Performance of Read-only Transactions.
T Ragunathan, Krishna Reddy Polepalli
International Conference on Management of Data, COMAD, 2008
Core Rank : - Google Rank :67
Improving the performance of read-only transactions through asynchronous speculation
T Ragunathan, Krishna Reddy Polepalli
Spring simulation multiconference., SpringSim, 2008
Improving the performance of read-only transactions through speculation
T Ragunathan, Krishna Reddy Polepalli
International workshop on databases in networked information systems, DNIS, 2007
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eSagu™: a data warehouse enabled personalized agricultural advisory system
Krishna Reddy Polepalli, Gv Ramaraju, G.s. Reddy
International Conference on Management of Data, COMAD, 2007
Core Rank : - Google Rank :67
Performance enhancement of Read-only transactions using speculative locking protocol
T Ragunathan, Krishna Reddy Polepalli
Inter Research Institute Student Seminar in Computer Science, IRISS, 2007
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Efficient Implementation of Agri-Insurance Schemes by Piggy backing eSagu System
G. Syamasundar Reddy, Krishna Reddy Polepalli
Information Communications and Technology, ICT, 2006
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