Statistical Learning to Operationalize a Domain Agnostic Data Quality Scoring
Sezal Chug, Priya Kaushal, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Tavpritesh Sethi
Technical Report, arXiv, 2021
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Tweet-scan-post: a system for analysis of sensitive private data disclosure in online social media
R. Geetha, S. Karthika, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
Knowledge and Information Systems, KAIS, 2021
Core Rank : - Google Rank :48
Influence of NaMo App on Twitter
Shreya Sharma, Samiya Caur, Hitkul, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
Technical Report, arXiv, 2021
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
KCNet: Kernel-based Canonicalization Network for entities in Recruitment Domain
Nidhi Goyal, Niharika Sachdeva, Anmol Goel, Jushaan Singh Kalra, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN, 2021
Core Rank : C Google Rank :32
Efficient Representation of Interaction Patterns with Hyperbolic Hierarchical Clustering for Classification of Users on Twitter
Tanvi Karandikar, Puppala Avinash Prabhu, Avinash Tulasi, Arun Balaji Buduru, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies, WI, 2021
Core Rank : B Google Rank :-
Diagnosing Web Data of ICTs to Provide Focused Assistance in Agricultural Adoptions
Ashwin Singh, Mallika Subramanian, Anmol Agarwal, Pratyush Pratap Priyadarshi, Shrey Gupta, Kiran Garimella, Sanjeev Kumar, Lokesh Garg, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
Technical Report, arXiv, 2021
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
What's kooking? characterizing India's emerging social network, Koo
Asmit Kumar Singh, Chirag Jain, Jivitesh Jain, Rishi Raj Jain, Shradha Sehgal, Tanisha Pandey, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM, 2021
Core Rank : B
Truth and travesty intertwined: a case study of# SSR counterpublic campaign
Kumari Neha, Tushar Mohan, Arun Balaji Buduru, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
IEEE International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM, 2021
Core Rank : B Google Rank :-
I'll be back: Examining Restored Accounts On Twitter
Arnav Kapoor, Puppala Avinash Prabhu, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
Technical Report, arXiv, 2021
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Inter-modality Discordance for Multimodal Fake News Detection
Shivangi Singhal, Mudit Dhawan, Rajiv R Shah, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
ACM Multimedia Asia, MM Asia, 2021
Core Rank : - Google Rank :14