Recognition of planar shapes is an important problem in computer vision andpattern recognition. The same planar object contour imaged from di1erent cameras or from di1erent viewpoints looks di1erent and their recognition is non-trivial. Traditional shape recognition deals with views of the shapes that di1er only by simple rotations, translations, and scaling. However, shapes su1er more serious deformation between two general views and hence recognition approaches designed to handle translations, rotations, and/or scaling would prove to be insu5cient. Many algebraic relations between matching primitives in multiple views have been identi7edrecently. In this paper, we explore how shape properties andmultiview relations can be combinedto recognize planar shapes across multiple views. We propose novel recognition constraints that a planar shape boundary must satisfy in multiple views. The constraints are on the rank of a Fourier-domain measurement matrix computed from the points on the shape boundary. Our method can additionally compute the correspondence between the curve points after a match is established. We demonstrate the applications of these constraints experimentally on a number of synthetic and real images.