Light-weight Deep Extreme Multilabel Classification
Choudhury Istasis Mishra, Arpan Dasgupta, Pratik Jawanpuria, Bamdev Mishra, Pawan Kumar
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN, 2023
Core Rank : B Google Rank :64
Alpha Elimination: Using Deep ReinforcementLearning to Reduce Fill-In during Sparse Matrix Decomposition
Arpan Dasgupta, Pawan Kumar
The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Da, ECML PKDD, 2023
marl-jax: Multi-agent Reinforcement Leaning framework for Social Generalization
Kinal Mehta, Anuj Mahajan, Pawan Kumar
The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Da, ECML PKDD, 2023
Effects of Spectral Normalization in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning
Kinal Mehta, Anuj Mahajan, Pawan Kumar
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN, 2023
Core Rank : B Google Rank :64
Enhancing ML model accuracy for Digital VLSI circuits using diffusion models: A study on synthetic data generation
Prasha Srivastava, Pawan Kumar, Zia Abbas
Technical Report, arXiv, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Enhancing ML model accuracy for Digital VLSI circuits using diffusion models: A study on synthetic data generation
Prasha Srivastava, Pawan Kumar, Zia Abbas
Neural Information Processing Systems Workshops, NeurIPS-W, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
A Riemannian Approach to Extreme Classification Problems
Naram Jayadev, Tanmay Kumar Sinha, Pawan Kumar
Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data, CODS-COMAD, 2022
Core Rank : -
Hybrid Tokenization and Datasets for Solving Mathematics and Science Problems Using Transformers.
Pratik Mandlecha, Snehith Kumar Chatakonda, Kollepara Neeraj, Pawan Kumar
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, SDM, 2022
Core Rank : A Google Rank :36
Structured Low-Rank Tensor Learning
Naram Jayadev, Tanmay Kumar Sinha, Pawan Kumar
workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning, OPT, 2021
Core Rank : -
SCIMAT: Science and Mathematics Dataset∗
Kollepara Neeraj, Chatakonda Snehith Kumar, Pawan Kumar
Neural Information Processing Systems Workshops, NeurIPS-W, 2021
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-