Graph Centrality Analysis of Structural Ankyrin Repeats
Broto Chakrabarty, Nita Parekh
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, IJCISIM, 2013
Core Rank : - Google Rank :13
Identifying Tandem Structural Repeat Motifs in Protein by Graph Spectral Analysis
Broto Chakrabarty, Nita Parekh
International Conference on Biomolecular Forms & Functions, ICBFF, 2013
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Identification of Genomic Islands by Pattern Discovery
Nita Parekh
BMC Microbiology, BMC-M, 2012
Core Rank : - Google Rank :63
Identification of Ankyrin Repeats in Three-Dimensional Protein Structures
Broto Chakrabarty, Nita Parekh
Accelerating Biology, AB, 2012
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Analysis of graph centrality measures for identifying Ankyrin repeats
Broto Chakrabarty, Nita Parekh
World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, WICT, 2012
Core Rank : -
Identification of Genomic Islands by Pattern Discovery
Nita Parekh
Pattern Discovery Using Sequence Data Mining: Applications and Studies, PDUSDM, 2011
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
IGIPT - Integrated genomic island prediction tool
Ruchi Jain, Sandeep Ramineni, Nita Parekh
Bioinformation, BII, 2011
Core Rank : - Google Rank :26
Construction and Analysis of Enzyme Centric Network of A. thaliana using Graph Theory
Kasthuribai Viswanathan, Nita Parekh
International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications and Knowledge Discovery, SKAD, 2011
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Construction and Analysis of Metabolite Network from Arabidopsis thaliana pathways
Kasthuribai Viswanathan, Nita Parekh
International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, BIOCOMP, 2011
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Analysis of Centrality Measures of Airport Network of India
Sapre Manasi Sudhir, Nita Parekh
Lecture Notes on Computer Science, LNCS, 2011