BoWLer: A neural approach to extractive text summarization.
Pranav Dharkas, Manish Srivastava
Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, PACLIC, 2018
Core Rank : C Google Rank :13
Siamese lstm with convolutional similarity for similar question retrieval
Avinash Kamineni, Harish Yenala, Manish Srivastava, Manoj Chinnakotla
International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing, iSAI-NLP, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :15
Aggression detection on social media text using deep neural networks
Vinay Kumar Singh, Aman Varshney, Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar, Deepanshu Vijay, Manish Srivastava
workshop on abusive language online, ALW, 2018
Core Rank : -
NUTS: Network for Unsupervised Telegraphic Summarization
Chanakya Malireddy, Tirth Maniar, Sajal Maheshwari, Manish Srivastava
International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR, 2018
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :304
Towards word embeddings for improved duplicate bug report retrieval in software repositories
Amar Budhiraja, Kartik Dutta, Manish Srivastava, Raghu Babu Reddy Y
International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval, ICTIR, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :24
Twitter corpus of resource-scarce languages for sentiment analysis and multilingual emoji prediction
Nurendra Choudhary, Rajat Singh, V Anvesh Rao, Manish Srivastava
International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING, 2018
Core Rank : B Google Rank :65
Gold Corpus for Telegraphic Summarization
Malireddy Chanakya, Srivenkata N Mounika Somisetty, Manish Srivastava
Workshop on Linguistic Resources for Natural Language Processing, LR4NLP-W, 2018
Core Rank : -
Enabling code-mixed translation: Parallel corpus creation and MT augmentation approach
Mrinal Dhar, Vaibhav Kumar, Manish Srivastava
Workshop on Linguistic Resources for Natural Language Processing, LR4NLP-W, 2018
Core Rank : -
Transzaar: Empowers Human Translators
Rashid Ahmad, Priyank Gupta, Nagaraju Vuppala, Sanket Kumar Pathak, Ashutosh Kumar, Gagan Soni, Sravan Kumar, Manish Srivastava, Avinash K Singh
International Conference on Computational Science and Applications, ICCSA, 2018
Core Rank : C Google Rank :28
Named entity recognition for hindi-english code-mixed social media text
Vinay Kumar Singh, Deepanshu Vijay, Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar, Manish Srivastava
Seventh Named Entities Workshop, ACL-NEWS, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-