2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain) BLOC KVAC: A Un iversally Acceptable and Ideal Vaccination System on Blockchain Manik a Sharma Center for Securit y, Theory, and Algorithmic Research Intern ationa l Institute of Inform ation Technology, Hyderabad Gach ibowli, Hyderabad, India 500 032 manik a.sharm a @research.iiit.ac.in Kishore Kothap alli Cent er for Securit y, Theo ry, and Algorithmic Research Interna tional Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad Gachibowli, Hyderabad , Indi a 500 032 kisho re @iiit.ac .in Sujit Gujar Machin e Learning Lab International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad Gachib owli, Hyderabad , India 500 032 suj it.gujar @iiit.ac.in Abstract-Vaccines are essential in pro tecting indivi dua ls and commun ities from the risk of ha rmful an d fatal diseases. The wor ld is migra ting towards the digitization of vacci nation docu- mentation. Still, the current digita l vacci nation is a centra lized mode l, lacking a nnive rsal acceptance. A Universally Acceptable an d Id eal Vacci nat ion System (UAIVS ) sho nld possess (a) a sta ndard vaccination cert ificate ver ificat ion algorithm, (h) p r i- vacy to per sonal in form a tion, (c) sca lab ilit y, (d) s npport lor all vacci nat ions, (e) acco u ntab ility for vaccination information access, and (f) a sco pe for scientific researc h a nd d evelopm en t. Blockc ha in tec hno logy int ro dnces d ecentr alizat ion, immn tability, acco unta bility, per sistence, and liveliness. T hese pro per ties ma ke block cha in an ideal can di da te to solve the existing pro blems in digital vacci nat ion. In this pa per, we prop ose a novel blockchain- base d syste m, n am ely BLO CKVAC, to implem ent a UA IVS . F urt her more , o ur wor k provi des a way to track an individ nal's an d fa mily's vacc ination histo ry, which is esse ntial for sc ient ific research a nd developm ent . BLOCKVAC is highly modular, sca l- a ble, an d cost -efficien t, pr oviding eno ugh roo m for fnt n re feature addi tio ns. The c urre nt works lack cost and sca lab ility ana lysis. WI' show thc scalability of o ur system t hro ugh a th oron gh a nalys is. O ur impl em entation shows t hat add ing one vacc inati on re cor d costs 7 . l(j ~2 ~ x 10- 6 ETH ( ~ U.U26US D) for reg istratio n, 2.5089 x 10- 5 ETH ( ~ 0.07 8USD) for vaccina tion, a nd th e syste m ca n easi ly han dl e np to 20K vaccinations per hon r. Ind ex Terms- B1ockc ha in, Eth ere um, Sm art Contrac ts, Public Acco unta bility, Sca lab ilit y I. I N TR O D UC TI O N The vaccination process, also known as imm unization , was introduced in the late 18th century by the British physician Edward Jenn er against the deadly smallpox virus [ I]. Since then. it has become an inevitab le medical proc edur e, protecting individuals and communities from harmful and fatal diseases. The World Hea lth Organi zation (WHO) estimates that vac- cination saves around 2.5 millio n child lives every year [2]. A record of vacci nation details massively aid s in providing qualit y health care to individuals [3]. Whi le secure storage and verificat ion of vaccination details are challenges even within a country, it is tediou s to merge them from across all the countries [4 ]. Moreover. a definitive process is the need of the hour to verify the required vaccinati on certification for travelers when they enter a country. We wou ld like to than k MeitY and Ripp le for fundin g this research . O ver view of existing vac cina tion mod els: Traditional paper- based vaccination records [5] are prone to challenges such as the possibil ity of losing, damaging, or forging the records without any accountability. Digital solutions replace the need for paper, provide an immutable card, and reduc e manual labor [6]. However, the current vacci nation systems follow a centralized model, where the users need to trust the cent ral autho rity. Further. these sys tems are prone to single-point failures and jeopardize data security P 1. Moreover, current vaccination portal s mainly deal with just slot bookings and issuin g non -verifiab le vaccination certificates. Mo tiva tion: Th e Covid-19 pandemic has caused a digital revolution in vaccination data managem ent. Countri es are shifting towards a digital solution to secure vaccination data ami issue certificates. However, such a system should be universally acceptabl e. We identi fy the properties requ ired for such a sys tem and call it a Universally Acceptable and Ideal Vaccination System (UA IVS). We furt her categorize the proper- ties of UAIVS into two subcategories: Universally Acceptable Vaccination System and Ideal Va ccination System. A Universally Acce ptable Vaccination System co