Drought, a natural disaster, occurs in all types of climate. Temperature, wind, relative humidity, rainfall intensity and rainfall duration play a significant part in the phenomenon of droughts. It affects natural sources of water and also can reduce the water supply, quality of water, crop yield, as well as the economy and social activities. Drought is an extreme event that affects natural resources, environment and society for a long time. Usually, drought occurs gradually; but it can be more terrible than floods. Meteorological, hydrological and agricultural are its broad types as described in Fig. [1]. Out of these, meteorological drought, defined as an abnormal shortage of precipitation, is the main cause of all other types of droughts. Drought index measures the levels of drought by acquiring data into a single numerical value from one or more hydrological variables. Several drought indices are found to assess the change in climatic variables. Those are Palmer Drought Severity Index, Crop Moisture Index, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) [1]. Based on the drought studies, almost all drought indices use precipitation as the sole variable or with the other hydrological elements, as per the type of demand, which is indicated by WMO [2]. There have been many attempts over the last few decades to develop a new drought index on the basis of a climatological precipitation study [1, 3, 4]. Vicente-Serrano et al. [5] proposed a new evapotranspiration-based index which is Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) based on the calculation of Potential Evapotranspiration.