TeV-scale vector-like quarks (VLQs) are an essential ingredient of many new physics models. Because of their vectorlike nature, they do not contribute to the gauge anomalies and are less restricted than their chiral counterparts by the current experimental data. Ones that couple with the thirdgeneration quarks (top and bottom partners, we shall collectively refer to them as top partners) appear in composite Higgs models with a partially-composite top quark [1– 6], extra-dimensional models [7–11], Little-Higgs models [12–15], etc. However, in the last few years, an extensive direct search program at the LHC has gradually tightened the mass bounds on these quarks. For top partners like the T quark (with electromagnetic charge 2/3) or the B quark (with charge −1/3), the current exclusion limit stands as high as ∼ 1.5 TeV [16–20]. The direct VLQ searches generally assume that they decay exclusively to Standard Model (SM) particles, i.e., to a third-generation quark and a heavy vector-boson or a Higgs. However, this assumption need not hold in general, especially if one looks beyond the minimal models where the top partners can have new decay modes. For example, a top partner can decay to another heavy quark or a new boson [11, 21–43]. A possibility that has attracted some interest in the current literature is that a vector-like top partner decays to a new spinless state singlet under the SM gauge group [i.e., (1, 1, 0) under SU(3)c×SU(2)L ×U(1)Y ] and a third-generation quark. The singlet state could be