Securing Age-of-Information (AoI)-Enabled 5G Smart Warehouse Using Access Control Scheme
Ashok Kumar Das, Sandip Roy, Eranga Bandara, Sachin Shetty
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IOT, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :186
Security and Privacy Issues in 5G/6G-Assisted Software-Defined Networks
Durbadal Chattaraj, Ashok Kumar Das
Software Defined Networks: Architecture and Applications, SDNAA, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Security in IoMT-Driven Smart Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review and Open Challenges
Neha Garg, Mohammad Wazid, Jaskaran Singh, D. P. Singh, Ashok Kumar Das
Security and Privacy, S&P, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :26
SLAP-IoD: Secure and Lightweight Authentication Protocol Using Physical Unclonable Functions for Internet of Drones in Smart City Environments
Sungjin Yu, Ashok Kumar Das, Youngho Park, Pascal Lorenz
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, TVT, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :141
TACAS-IoT: Trust Aggregation Certificate-Based Authentication Scheme for Edge-Enabled IoT Systems
Mohammad Wazid, Ashok Kumar Das, Sachin Shetty
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IOT, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :186
Uniting cyber security and machine learning: Advantages, challenges and future research
Mohammad Wazid, Ashok Kumar Das, Vinay Chamola, Youngho Park
Information and Communications Technology, ICT Express, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :34
Privacy Preserving of Two Collaborating Parties Using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
Latha Gadepaka, Bapiraju Surampudi
International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing, ANTIC, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Evaluation of the Dynamics of Large Scale Covid-19 Related Literature through Bibliometric Analysis from a Mathematical Standpoint
Biplab Sarkar, Anusheel Munshi, Bhaswar Ghosh, Tharmarnadar Ganesh, Arjunan Manikandan, Subhra Snigdha Biswa, Tanweer Shahid, Rajagopalan Bhaskar, Sinjini Sengupta, Sinjini Sengupta,
Journal of Scientometric Research, JSciR, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Controlling species densities in structurally perturbed intransitive cycles with higher-order interactions
Sourin Chatterjee, Sayantan Nag Chowdhury, Dibakar Ghosh, Chittaranjan Hens
Journal of Nonlinear Science, choas, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :35
Extreme events in a complex network: Interplay between degree distribution and repulsive interaction
Arnob Ray, Timo Bröhl, Arindam Mishra, Subrata Ghosh, Dibakar Ghosh, Tomasz Kapitaniak, Syamal K Dana, Chittaranjan Hens
Chaos, Chaos, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-