Sound Privacy: A Conversational Speech Corpus for Quantifying the Experience of Privacy.
Pablo Perez Zarazaga, Sneha Das, Tom Backstrom, Vishnu Vidyadhara Raju V, Anil Kumar Vuppala
Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 2019
Core Rank : A Google Rank :111
PLUME: Polyhedral Learning Using Mixture of Experts
Shah Kulin Nitinkumar, P. S. Sastry, Naresh Manwani
Technical Report, arXiv, 2019
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Successor Features Based Multi-Agent RL for Event-Based Decentralized MDPs
Tarun Gupta, Akshat Kumar, Praveen Paruchuri
American Association for Artificial Intelligence, AAAI, 2019
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :95
Advice Replay Approach for Richer Knowledge Transfer in Teacher Student Framework.
Vaibhav Gupta, Daksh Anand, Praveen Paruchuri, Balaraman Ravindran
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS, 2019
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :54
CVIT’s Submissions to WAT-2019
Jerin Philip, Shashank S, Upendra Kumar, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Jawahar C V
Conference of the Association of Computational Linguistics, ACL, 2019
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :106
ICDAR 2019 Robust Reading Challenge on Reading Chinese Text on Signboard
Xi Liu, Rui Zhang, Yongsheng Zhou, Qianyi Jian, Qi Song, Nan Li, Jawahar C V
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR, 2019
Core Rank : A Google Rank :50
Universal semi-supervised semantic segmentation
Tarun Kalluri, Girish Varma, Manmohan Chandraker, Jawahar C V
International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV, 2019
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :291
Dissimilarity coefficient based weakly supervised object detection
Aditya Arun, Jawahar C V, M. Pawan Kumar
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR, 2019
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :440
Improved road connectivity by joint learning of orientation and segmentation
Anil Kumar Batra, Suriya Singh, Guan Pang, Saikat Basu, Manohar Paluri, Jawahar C V
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR, 2019
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :440
Scene text visual question answering
Ali Furkan Biten, Ruben Tito, Andres Mafla, Lluis Gomez, Marc¸al Rusinol, Ernest Valveny, Jawahar C V, Dimosthenis Karatzas
International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV, 2019
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :291