As the communications among the vehicles, theRoad-Side Units(RSU)and the Edge Servers(ES)take placevia wireless communication and the Internet, an adversary maytake the opportunity to tamper with the data communicatedamong various entities in an Internet of Vehicles (IoV) envi-ronment. Therefore, it demands secure communication amongthe involved entities in an IoV-based Intelligent TransportationSystem (ITS) deployment. In this work, we design a newblockchain-enabled certificate-based authentication scheme forvehicle accident detection and notification in ITS, called BCAS-VADN. In BCAS-VADN, through the authentication process, eachvehicle can securely notify accident related transactions to itsnearby Cluster Head(CH), if an accident is detected on roadseither by its own or neighbor vehicle(s). TheCHthen securelysends the transactions received from the vehicles to itsRSUand subsequently, these transactions are also received secretlyby theESs. TheESis responsible for preparing partial blockcontaining transactions and Merkle tree root, and a digital signa-ture on those information, and then forwarding to its associatedCloud Server(CS)in the Blockchain Center(BC)for completeblock creation, verification and addition of the block using thedesigned consensus process. Due to blockchain technology usage,it is shown that BCAS-VADN is not only secure against variouspotential attacks, but also maintains transparency, immutabilityand decentralization of the information. Furthermore, a compre-hensive comparative analysis reveals that BCAS-VADN achievesbetter security and more functionality attributes, and has lowcommunication and computational overheads as compared toother competitive authentication schemes in IoV. In addition,the practical demonstration using the blockchain technology hasbeen also provided.