Fraudulent jobs are an emerging threat over online recruitment platforms such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor. Fraudulent job postings affect the platform’s trustworthiness and have a negative impact on user experience. Therefore, these platforms need to detect and remove these fraudulent jobs. Generally, fraudulent job postings contain untenable facts about domain-specific entities such as mismatch in skills, industries, offered compensation, etc. However, existing approaches focus on studying writing styles, linguistics, and context-based features, and ignore the relationships among domain-specific entities. To bridge this gap, we propose an approach based on the Knowledge Graph (KG) of domain-specific entities to detect fraudulent jobs. In this paper, we present a multi-tier novel end-to-end framework called FRaudulent Jobs Detection (FRJD) Engine, which considers a) fact validation module using KGs, b) contextual module using deep neural networks c) meta-data module to capture the semantics of job postings. We conduct our experiments using a fact validation dataset containing 4 million facts extracted from job postings. Extensive evaluation shows that FRJD yields a 0.96 F1-score on the curated dataset of 157,880 job postings. Finally, we provide insights on the performance of different fact-checking algorithms on recruitment domain