Structure, interaction, and dynamics of Au/Pd bimetallic nanoalloys dispersed in aqueous ethylpyrrolidone, a monomeric moiety of polyvinylpyrrolidone
Aditi Gupta, Bundet Boekfa, Hidehiro Sakurai, Masahiro Ehara, Deva Priyakumar U
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, JPCC, 2016
Core Rank : - Google Rank :87
Dynamic ligand-based pharmacophore modeling and virtual screening to identify mycobacterial cyclopropane synthase inhibitors
Chinmayee Choudhury, Deva Priyakumar U, G Narahari Sastr
Journal of Chemical Sciences, JCS, 2016
Google Rank :20
Ability of density functional theory methods to accurately model the reaction energy pathways of the oxidation of CO on gold cluster: A benchmark study
Saumya Gurtu, Sandhya Rai, Masahiro Ehara, Deva Priyakumar U
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, TCA, 2016
Core Rank : - Google Rank :25
Sumoylation of Sir2 differentially regulates transcriptional silencing in yeast
Abdul Hannan, Neethu Maria Abraham, Siddharth Goyal, Imlitoshi Jamir, Deva Priyakumar U, Krishnaveni Mishra
Nucleic Acids Research, NAR, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :233
Modeling the structure of SARS 3a transmembrane protein using a minimum unfavorable contact approach
C S Ramakrishna Tejasvi, Siladitya Padhi, Deva Priyakumar U
Journal of Chemical Sciences, JCS, 2015
Google Rank :20
Molecular dynamics study of the structure, flexibility, and hydrophilicity of PETIM dendrimers: a comparison with PAMAM dendrimers
Subbarao Kanchi, Suresh Gorle, Deva Priyakumar U, K. G. Ayappa, Prabal K Maiti
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, JPCB, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :60
Atomistic details of the molecular recognition of DNA-RNA hybrid duplex by ribonuclease H enzyme
Suresh Gorle, Deva Priyakumar U
Journal of Chemical Sciences, JCS, 2015
Google Rank :20
Binding to gold nanoclusters alters the hydrogen bonding interactions and electronic properties of canonical and size-expanded DNA base pairs
Sandhya Rai, Harjinder Singh, Deva Priyakumar U
RSC Advances, RSCA, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :117
Double zipper helical assembly of deoxyoligonucleotides: mutual templating and chiral imprinting to form hybrid DNA ensembles
Nagarjun Narayanaswamy, Suresh Gorle, Deva Priyakumar U, T. Govindaraju
Chemical communications, C C, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :104
Binding to Gold Nanocluster Alters the Hydrogen Bonding Interactions and Electronic Properties of Canonical and Size Expanded DNA Base Pairs
Sandhya Rai, Harjinder Singh, Deva Priyakumar U
RSC Advances, RSCA, 2015
Core Rank : - Google Rank :117