Significant developments in deep learning methods have been achieved with the capability to train more deeper networks. The performance of speech recognition system has been greatly improved by the use of deep learning techniques. Most of the developments in deep learning are associated with the development of new activation functions and the corresponding initializations. The development of Rectified linear units (ReLU)has revolutionized the use of supervised deep learning methods for speech recognition. Recently there has been a great deal of research interest in the development of activation functionsLeaky-ReLU (LReLU), Parametric-ReLU (PReLU), Exponentia lLinear units (ELU) and Parametric-ELU (PELU). This work isaimed at studying the influence of various activation functions onspeech recognition system. In this work, a hidden Markov model-Deep neural network (HMM-DNN) based speech recognitionis used, where deep neural networks with different activationfunctions have been employed to obtain the emission probabilitiesof hidden Markov model. In this work, two datasets i.e., TIMITand WSJ are employed to study the behavior of various speechrecognition systems with different sized datasets. During thestudy, it is observed that the performance of ReLU-networksis superior compared to the other networks for the smaller sizeddataset (i.e., TIMIT dataset). For the datasets of sufficientlylarger size (i.e., WSJ) performance of ELU-networks is superiorto the other networks.