PhD in Bioinformatics

About the Program

Students admitted to the program have to complete a course work followed by breadth and depth examinations apart from the thesis work.


To provide opportunity to work on a challenging research problem in the area of Bioinformatics and computational biology.


The students will acquire sound concepts and learn to independently carry out research.

Course Duration

Three to six years


M.Sc in fundamental sciences, M.E / M Tech / B.E / B.Tech in CS / IT / Biotech / BioInformatics / BioMed, MCA.

Curriculum (Semester-wise)

MS by Research Bioinformatics Curriculum

Breadth requirements are to be satisfied by clearing the following 8 courses, with good grades, in the four areas outlined below:
Computer Science: Programming + Basics of Databases + ITWS


Computer Programming


Problem Solving

Advanced Problem Solving



Equivalent of Introduction to Biology

Advanced Biology

Chemistry and Structural Bioinformatics:

Equivalent of Advanced Biomolecular Architecture

Biomolecular Structure Interactions and Dynamics

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics:

Equivalent of Biostatistics

Introduction to Bioinformatics

Advanced Bioinformatics

  • Specific courses may be waived for students who prove their respective backgrounds. If a student feels that (s)he has the required basic knowledge, (s)he may seek a certificate to this effect from the teacher of the course and get it ratified by the coordinator of the Bioinformatics program. The center may also ask the students to take qualifier examinations in the breadth areas instead of taking the respective courses.
  • Students either need to do the required courses or acquire the relevant knowledge by independent/self study. When a course with a title matching with a topic above is being offered, students may take that course. If such a course is not offered, then a related course may be taken.
  • In any case the students need to complete their minimum number of courses as part of depth requirements, as elaborated below. The minimum course requirements should be satisfied with no PCO credits.
  • Satisfactory performance is defined as getting a grade of B or higher in each of these courses.
  • Students are required to clear any four courses of level 4000 or above. They may choose options from offered electives or from approved breadth equivalent courses.
  • It may be noted that the above represents the absolute minimum number of courses that a student must take, irrespective of his or her background. Depending on their backgrounds, and as per advice of supervisor, some students may have to do more courses.
  • Students are encouraged to take additional courses to build breadth and depth of knowledge in areas of their choice.
  • Bioinformatics
  • Breadth equivalent Programming + ITWS + Basics of Databases
  • Biostatistics + Introduction to Bioinformatics + Advanced Bioinformatics
  • Advanced Molecular Architecture/Advanced Biomolecular Architecture + BMSID
  • Introduction to Biology + Advanced Biology
  • Possible electives
  • (IT) Datastructures, DBMS, Data Mining, AI and Soft Computing, Pattern Recognition
  • Possible electives
  • (Domain) Computational Modeling and Simulation, Structural Bioinformatics, Computer-Aided Drug Design

Meet our faculty


Admission Procedure

Research Center