Practical First-Order Bayesian Optimization Algorithms
Utkarsh Prakash,Aryan Chollera,Kushagra Khatwani,Prabuchandran K. J,Tejas Bodas
@inproceedings{bib_Prac_2023, AUTHOR = {Utkarsh Prakash, Aryan Chollera, Kushagra Khatwani, Prabuchandran K. J, Tejas Bodas}, TITLE = {Practical First-Order Bayesian Optimization Algorithms}, BOOKTITLE = {CODS COMDS}. YEAR = {2023}}
First Order Bayesian Optimization (FOBO) is a sample efficient sequential approach to find the global maxima of an expensive-to-evaluate black-box objective function by suitably querying for the function and its gradient evaluations. Such methods assume Gaussian process (GP) models for both, the function and its gradient, and use them to construct an acquisition function that identifies the next query point. In this paper, we propose a class of practical FOBO algorithms that efficiently utilizes the information from the gradient GP to identify potential query points with zero gradients. We construct a multi-level acquisition function where in the first step, we optimize a lower level acquisition function with multiple restarts to identify potential query points with zero gradient value. We then use the upper level acquisition function to rank these query points based on their function values to potentially identify the global maxima. As a final step, the potential point of maxima is chosen as the actual query point. We validate the performance of our proposed algorithms on several test functions and show that our algorithms outperform state-of-the-art FOBO algorithms. We also illustrate the application of our algorithms in finding optimal set of hyper-parameters in machine learning and in learning the optimal policy in reinforcement learning tasks.
Bayesian Optimization for Function Compositions with Applications to Dynamic Pricing
Kunal Jain,Prabuchandran K. J.,Tejas Bodas
International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, LION, 2023
@inproceedings{bib_Baye_2023, AUTHOR = {Kunal Jain, Prabuchandran K. J., Tejas Bodas}, TITLE = {Bayesian Optimization for Function Compositions with Applications to Dynamic Pricing}, BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization}. YEAR = {2023}}
Bayesian Optimization (BO) is used to find the global optima of black box functions. In this work, we propose a practical BO method of function compositions where the form of the composition is known but the constituent functions are expensive to evaluate. By assuming an independent Gaussian process (GP) model for each of the constituent black-box function, we propose EI and UCB based BO algorithms and demonstrate their ability to outperform vanilla BO and the current state-of-art algorithms. We demonstrate a novel application of the proposed methods to dynamic pricing in revenue management when the underlying demand function is expensive to evaluate.
Load balancing policies without feedback using timed replicas
Rooji Jinan,Ajay Badita,Tejas Bodas,Parimal Parag
Performance Evaluation, PEv, 2023
@inproceedings{bib_Load_2023, AUTHOR = {Rooji Jinan, Ajay Badita, Tejas Bodas, Parimal Parag}, TITLE = {Load balancing policies without feedback using timed replicas}, BOOKTITLE = {Performance Evaluation}. YEAR = {2023}}