Siddharth Tourani, Robotics Research Center (RRC) and Dr. K. Madhava Krishna Robotics Research Center (RRC) were awarded the Best Paper Runner-Up for their paper Using In-frame Shear Constraints for Monocular Motion Segmentation of Rigid Bodies, at ICVGIP 2014.

Siddharth Tourani, Robotics Research Center (RRC) and Dr. K. Madhava Krishna Robotics Research Center (RRC) were awarded the Best Paper Runner-Up for their paper Using In-frame Shear Constraints for Monocular Motion Segmentation of Rigid Bodies, at ICVGIP 2014.

Best poster and oral presentation award in the Symposium on Accelerating Biology. Sanchari Sircar, PhD student from Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) for Gene Co-expression Network Analysis of Oryza sativa under Abiotic Stress.

Best poster and oral presentation award in the Symposium on Accelerating Biology. Sanchari Sircar, PhD student from Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) for Gene Co-expression Network Analysis of Oryza sativa under Abiotic Stress.

Deepak Rajamohan (Master of Science, CSE), Bhavana Ganu (CSD), Dr. K. S. Rajan, Lab for Spatial Informatics (LSI) were awarded First prize at the Tracking and Imaging Challenge at PCV-2014 Conference on Road Condition and Texture Estimation by Fusing GPS, Accelerometer and Camera Data.

Deepak Rajamohan (Master of Science, CSE), Bhavana Ganu (CSD), Dr. K. S. Rajan, Lab for Spatial Informatics (LSI) were awarded First prize at the Tracking and Imaging Challenge at PCV-2014 Conference on Road Condition and Texture Estimation by Fusing GPS, Accelerometer and Camera Data.

D. Prashanthi (PhD student), Center for Computational Natural Sciences and  Bioinformatics (CCNSB) was awarded Best Poster Award for his paper on Copy Number Variation Analysis of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)Subtypes at Indo-US Bilateral Conferences-cum-Workshop.

D. Prashanthi (PhD student), Center for Computational Natural Sciences and  Bioinformatics (CCNSB) was awarded Best Poster Award for his paper on Copy Number Variation Analysis of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)Subtypes at Indo-US Bilateral Conferences-cum-Workshop.

Aniket Singh (PhD student) under the supervision of Dr. Anoop Namboodiri, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT), was awarded Best Paper Award for their paper Laplacin Pyramids for Deep Feature Inversion at 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2015) in  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Aniket Singh (PhD student) under the supervision of Dr. Anoop Namboodiri, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT), was awarded Best Paper Award for their paper Laplacin Pyramids for Deep Feature Inversion at 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2015) in  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.