Harini Sampath (Ph.D in CSE), Rajeev Rajeshuni (Master of Science) and BipinIndurkhya (Cognitive Science Lab) received the Best Research Paper – Honorable Mention Award at the ACM Conference on Computer Human Interface (CHI 2014), Toronto, April 26 – May 1, 2014.

Harini Sampath (Ph.D in CSE), Rajeev Rajeshuni (Master of Science) and BipinIndurkhya (Cognitive Science Lab) received the Best Research Paper – Honorable Mention Award at the ACM Conference on Computer Human Interface (CHI 2014), Toronto, April 26 – May 1, 2014.

Sanchari Sircar (PhD student), Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) were awarded the Best Poster and Oral Presentation Award for their paper Gene Co-expression Network Analysis of Oryza sativa under Abiotic Stressat  Symposium on Accelerating Biology.

Sanchari Sircar (PhD student), Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) were awarded the Best Poster and Oral Presentation Award for their paper Gene Co-expression Network Analysis of Oryza sativa under Abiotic Stressat  Symposium on Accelerating Biology.

Chandan Pradhan (Master of Science student) under the supervision of Dr. G. Rama Murthy, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC), was awarded Best Paper Award for their paper Full-Duplex Transceiver for Future Cellular Network: A Smart Antenna Approach” at International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS 2015).

Chandan Pradhan (Master of Science student) under the supervision of Dr. G. Rama Murthy, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC), was awarded Best Paper Award for their paper Full-Duplex Transceiver for Future Cellular Network: A Smart Antenna Approach” at International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS 2015).

Sandhya Rai (PhD student) and Siladitya Padhi (PhD student), under the supervision of Dr. U. Deva Priyakumar, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) were awarded Best Poster Award at Theoretical Chemistry Symposium 2015.    

Sandhya Rai (PhD student) and Siladitya Padhi (PhD student), under the supervision of Dr. U. Deva Priyakumar, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) were awarded Best Poster Award at Theoretical Chemistry Symposium 2015.